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come back to me, my litle flower.
Monday, June 16, 2008
life has been damn boring these days,damn.AND THE FREAKING WEATHER HASNT CHANGE!they really shud fire those damn,weather predictors,they cant predict for nutsss.

today,nth much happned,only had yog training.OHYAH.I let in such a cheap goal during training just now..this cud be the end of my dreams for playing at the youth olympics..damnit.hnfgfngddgf...

just nw sth damn coincidental happened.these few contractors were on the same bus as me,they stinked like mad.then,when they passed me,the music on my mp3 played,'the smell of your skin lingers..on me now..'(big girls dun cry-fergie)
AhAHAHA!!i was like laughing to my self alone,i wonder what ppl thinked of me.

Friday, June 6, 2008

if i had money i'd go wild,buy you furs dress u like a queeeen..in our chaffored limosine..we'd look so fine!!
i'm getting so damn lazy to post lurh!since i was at my dashboard,might as well.so,i just came back from a star cruise,which wassss...boring,shall i say?
well some parts were.
we boarded at 5.and we walked round the whole ship.not to b racist,but there were so many indians!!seriously,and they were dancing...all same move.put ur hands in the air,and bounce on ur feet while shaking ur body.lol.
we watched this concert at bout 7,afterwhich we ate dinner.
by then,the boat started moving.
then,we went to the main central of the boat,where there were indians partying.dancing to penjabi music.only indians,seriously.
haha,then my two other sisters and i joined in!!we danced so damn energeticly.we ignored the aircon the indians gave,but we then concluded that indians are really fun ppl.(=
afterwards,we went karaokeying.there was this contest,karaoke contest,in which my eldest sister entered,and won 3rd.lol.the person who got first sang this gay song,for like graduation parties kinda song,which i thinked captured the heart ofthe judges,lol.
my other sis asked me to sing 'my boo' with her,i usher she alicia keys.
i was like,pfft,forget it.

then at abt 10+ there was this strip show,for nc 18.darn.hahaha!jk,

in replacement,we had sth 10 times better!!
a CHOCOLATE! buffet,CHOCOLATES!!!!aaaaah!whoow,wehn i came back,i gained like,2kg?wtf man.
but,it was worth it.
i poured like CHOCOLATE! fudge into a cup.but,obviously din drank it,just layed on CHOCOLATE! cake.mmmm....look on top there!haha..

then at night,we slept at the top deck,where there were those beach chairs.whoa,syiok.

we actually planned not to sleep the whole night,but at abt 3 at night,the ship was quiet.and i think the numerous amt of CHOCOLATE! made us sleep..so we slept.but had difficulties,cos afew ppl beside out room was making so much noise,that we ended up smacking the wall,telling them to shutup.(= haha!

overall,kinda fun.i still have more pics in my cam,havent put in comp.w8 when i get,i upload.
but i think i wun eat chocolate in a loooong loooong time.choco-sick.


Sunday, June 1, 2008
Life has been boring these days!
I just came back from camp yesterday,soccer camp.once u've been thru any ncc camp,u'd find any kinda camps fun.or at least,u'll get this slacky feeling.
On the first day,we went to east coast beach to play some team building
games and also for the intention of jogging,,but thank god it rained!whoo!
instead,we played this game,where u have to tell ur goals straight in the face of the instructer,one by one,and u have to give a standard answer.
the problem is,he;s face is damn funny urh!his eyes are like kuala's one and he kept making us laugh.
its like,you can tell him,'pfft..haha..nvm.'
he's damn funny.
in the end,only half of the team managed to do it.

then,we played last man standing,where you'll consistenly take penalties.
if u miss,u out.then u score,continue until left someone,you will b the winner.
the best part is,u cant see the ball.as its at night.
twe did for the next night too.but before the next night,we were treated macD's.(=
but during the day we had dragon boating,flying fox and this high element game where u have to jump and catch this handle.
k,i go play fifa.

Friday, May 23, 2008
ystd was the last day of school,i din realise it until now.pfft.
we had this bazaar thing,which my class won.We earned the most money.
I oso not sure how we won,we had the lamest games ah!like throwing tennis balls at cans.
I mean,this kinda stuff you can do at ur own time..right?

got parents meeting.that bl**** esther teo go sabo me sia!wala0.say i easily distracted all.actually its kinda true arh.
and right,i heard many times that sec 1 can slack.so i slack to the core.and now you see,you see arh!must study 2hours everyday.hmmfhfmfhf...
Esther oso say that i laugh alot in class.HEy,laughing is a medicine arh!
medicine for what?i oso dunno.but afterthat i'll feel great.
And right,laughing does not affect my studies,that one can confirm.
Today,nth much happened,besides the pm thing.My results were bad,the worst i've ever gotten in my life.)=expected what,never study at all.

During prayers just now met aiman.You know right,when u pray on those silver mats outside the gufran mosque,ur legs can melt?seriously arh!then when the part u put ur head on the ground,u really start praying.lol!the heat is damn intense that after awhile u start pushing ppl off the mat to hurry them after the prayers.
Aimans leg bengkak(sore) because he had to do 400 ketuk-ketampi's(put ur hands at your years,crossed,and go up then down.)cute sia.
I OSO have a new favourite song,its called bang the doldrums by fob.wow,its damn cool..hope you'll enjoy it,(=

k,better get off b4 my mum comes back.l8er must *picnic* with her...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
yo!today is freaking hot man..ppl,please,stop global warming!hw long?how long is this gonna last??wala0!

k,today went to beach for cip.bitch cleaning,the beach wasn't as dirty as i thot!but my class found the most disgusting stuff.like,pampers,an underwear,and a 150ml can of coke,which expired 10 years ago!but the can was small,it was pretty cool.

then,there was this crazy guy,standing in the middle of the seashore,dancing retardedly.i think it was a prayer.it was damn funny!!i tot he was Mas Selamat,he walks wif a limp.
Then he went to a place full of trees,talking to them.Scary sia.

Nw the best best part.I MET SR NATHAN!!haha!AND i put my ARMS ard Him.

but the guard told me to hands off.Ahaha!but,i touched a president,wow.

The worst part of this cleaning is that we had to WALK to the beach.and WALK back.wtf larh!!i was melting.

And wen chai's guitar string broke while he was tuning it.Loser.

Sunday, May 11, 2008
aaaaah yes,exams finally over.i post nw,cos i lazy post b4.well,it ended last thursday.ohyah,and that day was a bore.like come on uhh!my mum din let me go out to watch movie.what sia.i was so looking forward to it uhh,summore cannot play soccer.Supposed to play with hilman they all.

FRIDAY(realise i'm writing in one whole,cos i think its faster and stupid to post one by one.)
k,thats abt all for thursday.then on friday,after prayers went to play football with sec 3 junyuan boys at soccer street soccer court outside gufran mosque.i was with my primary school friends,and made a team.
when we went into the court,we were like owning the place lurh!imagine sec 1's owning sec 3.wow.I din have enuf of football yet,so i played soccer that night,at my court.then go honme get scolded.ahaha!

on saturday went to tampines safra to play football with the team.Quite fun uhh,but after that, i was like sick of soccer,a feeling i was waiting for since b4 exams.(= i'm telling you,its indescribable(if thats spelled propaly)(is propaly spelled right?).aah who cares.stille got half a year to slack!hah!

Today,had religious class exams.so gonna fail arab larh!!!i was like,abcd,abcd,abcd all the way uhh.(in arab)
afterwards went to jb celbrate mums day.then come home start blogging.then sleep.(planning the future)haha!


Friday, May 2, 2008
On may 36 95,(whenever his birthdate is,wonder if that one even possible)a baby was born.So the doctor asked,"what will be his name?"
his mom said,"abdul".the doctor cudnt hear properly.so he asked the same question repeatedly.then the momma said annoyed,"abdul-lah!"
'oh!abdullah.k that'll be all."

ahaha!okay its lame.so kids,what did we learn today?quit that annoying singaporean slang,and start talking nice!(=


anything else...
the rest of the profile here


Wei Zheng
Yu Cheng

to me
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008

pretty dove.
a work of kailanime

enjoy! =)
Centerfold - spunge